A quick parable for those of us who find ourselves looking around to see how we’re doing in comparison to someone or something else:
→ Looks
→ Money
→ Stuff
→Market share
→Ministry size
→Social media followers
When my kids were little, they did summer swim leagues. The vast majority of the kids were just getting started or strictly recreational swimmers.
Invariably, however, there were a couple of kids who were very competitive. And during a race they’d want to look around to see where everyone else was.
But when you’re swimming and you lift your head to look around, you slow down.
So the parents would often be heard yelling from the pool deck, “Don’t look around! Just swim your race!”
Take a few minutes today to reflect on these questions:
How have you gotten caught up in the comparison trap in the past–and are you stuck in it right now?
List the persons or organizations that you’ve gotten hung up in the comparison trap with.
What has been the fruit or consequences of being stuck in comparison for you?
What do you think it means for you to be free from looking around, free to just swim your race?
Spend a few minutes bringing the malformational practice of comparison (and any pride, jealousy, resentment, or other bitter fruit that has come as a result) to the Lord: ask for forgiveness, bless that person or organization, and pray for His release from the trap of comparison.
This is just one thread of questions in this month’s free Greenhouse Retreat: The Safe Place for Audacious Prayers. Click here for much more!
Greenhouse Retreats: helping you create conditions ideal for long-term fruitfulness.
Happy flourishing y’all,