Many years ago my December got so busy that I woke up on the 26th or 27th and realized with great sadness that I’d missed Christmas.
My humble encouragement: no matter how busy you are, don’t miss Christmas this year.
Greenhouse Retreats is here to help.
Welcome to Greenhouse Retreats, Volume 3, Issue 4: Good News, Great Joy, All People:
Access and print out the free retreat guide (printing is optional but recommended).
Block off 4-6 hours at some point in the next few weeks (maybe just after Christmas?) OR go through it in much shorter 15-30 minute increments each day.
Most importantly: show up and enter into the joy of Christmas!
Click here for December’s Greenhouse Retreat: Good News, Great Joy, all People.
Greenhouse Retreats: helping you to create conditions ideal for long-term growth and fruitfulness, even in the midst of December busy.
Merry Christmas and happy flourishing, y’all,