A couple of years ago a huge percentage of people in ministry reported that they were exhausted and wanted to quit.
Those were the stats that compelled me to start Greenhouse Retreats, creating free retreat materials.
Since then, I’ve been on the lookout for other resources to combat burnout and help facilitate flourishing and fruitfulness.
In that vein, I’m delighted to recommend Janice McWilliams’s new video course, Restore My Soul for Ministry Leaders.
Janice (a former colleague of mine from InterVarsity Christian Fellowship) has created a 6-module, self-paced curriculum that walks through the core practices and principles from her fabulous book, Restore My Soul.
Both the book and the video curriculum are very accessible, very wise, and very, very practical.
I’m having a few of the folks I supervise go through the video curriculum this fall. We’ll talk about it as a part of our supervisory meetings.
I’m delighted to have Janice’s videos do some heavy-lifting character and spiritual formation as we work on the nuts and bolts and skillset of ministry.
If you’ve found it difficult to carve out larger chunks of time to retreat (or if that’s just not how you roll) this video curriculum might be a better fit for you.
Take a look and I pray Janice’s great work might be a gift to you as it has been for me!
Happy flourishing y’all,
P.S. I didn’t drop a new retreat in the beginning of August, but on my website there are 23 free retreat guides from the past two years if you’re looking for some end-of-August refreshment! Just click here.
A new retreat will be dropping in early September.